Recovery is a team effort

We are Bin Impact
We’re the new go-to reference for curbside recycling recovery in Quebec. We're here to educate people on the right way to sort materials, and to raise awareness on the impact of what we put in the bin. It’s important to promote the proper way to sort at home. It’s the first step of the curbside recycling system. By improving the content of our bins, we can generate a positive impact on the circular economy. If everyone pitches in, everyone in Quebec comes out a winner.

A system in full transition

Since 2022, a new regulation frames the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Quebec. It stipulates that brand owners, distributors and marketers of containers, packaging and printed paper are responsible for managing curbside recycling. It’s another step towards manufacturing and marketing recyclable products.
Appointed to manage the curbside recycling system on behalf of these companies, Éco Entreprises Québec also launches the Bin Impact initiative which aims to raise awareness and educate the public about the importance of sorting recyclable materials at the source throughout the Quebec territory.
By adopting the right habits, everyone plays an essential role in recovering recyclable materials and giving them a second life. As of January 1, 2025, ÉEQ will assume full responsibility for the curbside recycling system in Quebec, from collection to the second life of recyclable materials.
What goes in the blue bin?
Place containers, packaging and printed paper in the bin. That’s it.
Does my bin really have an impact?
What's put in your bin can have a big impact. Let’s do our part so our bin has a positive impact on the circular economy.